Copy, paste, go!

Boost your credit tools with secure, easy-to-use and powerful APIs

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Create, consume, control

Deliver value with high quality REST APIs

Develop tools that add value to your business with APIs, using simple lines of code and documentation in a dynamic development environment.

Developer Friendly

Developer friendly

Up to date API documentation, clear guidelines for test, sample code and much more.

Get started quickly

Get started quickly

Each API has mock endpoints that will provide example responses so that you can start coding in your preferred language immediately.

Your data secured

Your data secured

Industry standard OATH 2.0 ensures that you are authenticated and allowed to access your data. Our API-Key validation for each endpoint provides segregation of the coding against the APIs and the access to the business data.

Atrium Screen
Seamless integration

Atradius information, how you want it

Your Credit portfolio information in your system. Run multiple versions of the same API, build your reports, credit management tools, integrate our data and insurance products in your ERPs with our APIs. Your business, our technology.

Get started

How can I take action to better protect the data from the APIs?

Developers will need Client Credentials to access the business data, you should refresh the Client Secret regularly to control access to those developers who have been given the current secret, this should be plugged into the authentication API call without needing to change and functional code.  In addition, the production endpoint is protected with a separate API-key to the sandbox environment.  You can allow developers to code against the sandbox and have a privileged administrator set the API-key for production.

Where can I view my Client ID and Secret?

The Client credentials will protect sensitive business data and is only made available to users with the correct privileges to access this data.  If you have access then you will see a Security menu item, if this is not present then you should check with your credit insurance business representative for them to share the credentials with you.

How can I test my code that calls the APIs?

You can code initially against our mock responses that are available in the API documentation, once confident in your client code against this mock, you can run scenarios against the sandbox endpoints – this will not result in real business transactions and will allow you to verify your code before pointing to the production endpoints.  A set of recommended test scenarios have been provided for each API resource.

How do I see a history of all my API calls and any errors that have occurred?

Currently you will need to log errors from the responses, but a new analytics section will be added soon that will show the number of calls, the response times and errors that have occurred.   

What coding languages can I use to consume the APIs?

The APIs are written to REST standards with JSON payloads and pretty much any coding language can easily consume the APIs.  Code snippets from 14 of the most popular languages are provided to get you started.  There will be small effort to write the code to receive the API data – we would plan for just a few days to write the code to consumer the APIs and base your unit testing on the scenarios we provide, which can be automated.  Simplifying the integration allows you to spend your development time on mapping the resources to your systems and building value on top of our data.

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See how easy it is to register in the Atradius API developer portal.

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