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Atradius Global

A trusted partner for your multinational trade

About Global

Dedicated expertise for multinationals

Working with you

Your goal is our focus

Multinational solutions

Together in trade


Shared expertise powers successful trade

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Open conversations lead to great decisions

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Our mission
We're in it together

For more than 25 years, we’ve supported ambitious multinationals who understand that partnering with the right trade credit insurance provider offers major advantages - driving certainty and sustainable growth in their businesses, wherever they trade.


Many of the organisations that joined us at the start are still with us today (we’re proud to enjoy a retention rate close to 100%). When we ask why, they tell us they value our deep understanding of their business and our commitment to supporting them in building it. They also appreciate the mutual trust that comes from working together so closely - we feel like an extension of their own team.


These are the aspects we value most, too. For us, great decisions arise from unshakeable partnerships with our customers - we stand by them through thick and thin, helping their businesses grow sustainably and successfully.


It’s what we do best. Your business is our business. We’re in it together.

How we work with you

In life, when we need a trusted opinion on something important, we turn to those who understand us best. In business, it’s no different. We know from experience that powerful outcomes come from a place of shared knowledge, trust and deep mutual understanding - the things we value above all else.

You know a lot about your market - and so do we. We view a working relationship a lot like jigsaw pieces: by combining our knowledge, we build a uniquely insightful understanding of what’s happening with your business. And it means we can really help you build your future, day in, day out.

You can expect us to challenge you, look ahead for you, make our decisions with you, too. Decisions that help build your business steadily and sustainably, over time. We don’t think of people who choose Atradius as our customers - we’re partners. Your long-term success is how we measure our own, too.

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Atradius Global
Partners in purpose

We understand that trading globally as a multinational can be complex. No business is alike and day in day out you are faced with your own unique opportunities and challenges. We’re here to make the complex simple and to support you with your trade credit insurance, wherever in the world you’re trading.


We’re one team. It may seem odd to highlight this but it’s important. We rely on one another, support one another and work to one P+L – with no country borders. Why are we telling you this? It means that wherever in the world you need us, the whole team is on the case. Sharing information, supporting one another, in it together with you. We often get described by the industry as the ‘Global Family’ – it’s something we value highly – and we have the stories to prove it.

Global outlook, local support

In structural terms, we’re centrally co-ordinated, with local expertise on the ground all over the world. And we combine the two, to mirror your needs, wherever you need us. Whether that’s something simple or a complex network of supply chains crisscrossing the globe.


Our focus, every single day, is to help you to grow your business sustainably and successfully by making sure that the risks you take are the right ones.


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About Global
Key facts and figures
years of service
Global team members
retention rate
Working with Atradius

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Supporting your growth
Specialists in sync

We know from experience that working with our customers as one team leads to the best outcomes for everyone. It seems obvious, but mutual understanding leads to well-informed decisions - and well-informed decisions lead to successful trading outcomes.


We’re dedicated to supporting multinationals. We’ve been doing it for over 25 years, learning what truly works through our close working partnerships with customers, and fine-tuning our offering to develop the best possible support. That includes:


  • specialised expertise in structuring global trade credit insurance programmes of all shapes and sizes so it’s simple, streamlined and highly effective for you
  • tailor-made service models driven by your needs - not ours
  • deep geopolitical and sector-specific knowledge and understanding
  • a fully joined-up approach – our single P+L means we work as one team, globally
  • a dedicated team that includes analysts and key account underwriters, so we get to know you inside out
An extension of your team

We’re located in every continent, ready to support you, right where you need us. 


Some of the benefits you’ll enjoy as a customer include:


  • Your own central Account Manager, who’ll provide face-to-face contact and ensure alignment of terms and cover for you across your portfolio, as well as a network of Account Managers to provide local service and in-depth knowledge to your colleagues around the world.


  • Support from specialist analysts and underwriters who provide valuable intelligence on markets, risk, trade and opportunities.


  • Our ‘personally global’ service. Our team will mirror yours: local to you, supporting you on the ground, wherever your customers are.


We know that every customer faces a unique set of challenges, and our service is tailored to meet them. At all times our aim is to support, simplify and streamline your risk management so that you can focus on running a successful business knowing you have our full support.  



Our offering
We think it works and​ so do our customers​
are (very) satisfied with our knowledge
rate our collaboration as (very) good
said we understood their business needs
value their relationship with Atradius
Real people and 24-hour tech: we're always on

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Our Global solutions
Credit management solutions for multinational businesses
Credit insurance for multinationals
Protect your global receivables with a centralised agreement and local support
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Specialised solutions
Providing tailored solutions outside the framework of our whole turnover credit insurance policies
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Worldwide debt collections
Benefit from streamlined reporting, worldwide expertise, and a profess
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European surety bonds and guarantees
Different markets require different surety bonds. Sensitive to market
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Get in touch to see how we can help you

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We're here to help
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We thrive on working alongside businesses like yours to help them to prosper.

If you’d like to explore a refreshing new approach to managing your global trade credit risks, get in touch.

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